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Quad Bike Tour views Great Pyramids Desert Cairo Egypt debbie allen for glad rags cabin bags

We hope we can give you all the answers and inspire you to start planning your next trip in style!

Gone are the days of visiting the local high street travel agents, picking up a load of brochures and spending weeks arguing about which hotel to stay in only to find your choices are booked.  If you were like me I always looked at the exotic destinations and 5 star hotels with envy and business class was not even thought about.

Package holidays, Full Board, Half Board and then Fully that was a new concept.

So where do you start now.....I generally start my travel planning by finding trip reports on various forums and then keeping a note on what parts I like the sound of, which hotel looks good etc and I still remember some of those 5 star of which we recently stayed in in Hong Kong!

I then check travel websites to see what itineraries are used by such companies as A & K, Cox & Kings, whatever the search comes up with for luxury tours or hotels.  Sometimes I just read reports on places that sound interesting and then add to our bucket list…I have spreadsheets for a lot of future trips! 

Once a decision is made I will price the trip doing everything ourselves and also look for recommendations on agents, I usually try to find one based in the country we are going to.  Then I get quotes and check flight prices.

You will find all the information here to plan the same way.


Flight & Hotel Choices

I start with Tripadvisor which everyone moans about but I look at the poor reviews and you can read between the lines if someone is just being a bad guest or there is some truth there.  You can also find reviews on Google, and Expedia and blogs like this one just to double check.  Most of the time this method works, occasionally the bad reviews have been true as with the Winter Palace in Luxor!

For flights check Skyscanner, Expedia and the website of each airline for flights plus there are some new sites out there, see Resources.  Also sign up with each airline for rewards and notifications for discounted flights.  For example with Emirates you can get fare alerts so you can see if the price is changing.

I do like Expedia because you can book the flight and hotel as one package and get a discount, you also get points which you can use towards future bookings.  Tracey does the same with but I dislike it as it does not show the taxes until you go to book…each to their own!

Once you have your trip booked then take care of your insurance as it will start covering you immediately in case you have to cancel, then do the sightseeing, airport transfers or car hire.  For insurance a lot of people recommend World Nomads but I stopped using them after we lost a phone only to be informed that loss is not covered....seriously!  I now use a online site called JourneyMan Services.


1. Find and check your travel documents are up to date.

2. Look for updated information on safety and security via websites of your home country’s government. Use the USA, UK or Australian sites if your country does not have one.

3. Check the entry requirements for the countries you are visiting and apply for any necessary visas and authorisation required.  This info can be found by checking the relevant country’s tourist information websites. Use IVisa to check requirements.

4. See if you require any immunisations, the UK Foreign Travel Advice website gives this information or the Institute of Tropical Medicine

5. Check the weather at your destinations.

6. Book you flights and accommodation as early as possible.

7. Book your transfers from the airport or your car rental.

8. Take out travel insurance and remember don't post on social media you are leaving if no one else is home.  Insurance companies are using this to not pay out!

9. Plan your itinerary if required and check out restaurants and shopping tips on the internet…make a list.

10. Check your clothing, get everything washed and/or go shopping!

11. Sort out everything financial…

a) Tell your credit card company you are going away.

b) Pay any bills that will come through while you are away especially your phone bill.

c) Make copies of your passport and any other required documents and keep on your phone or in the cloud or both.  For many countries having hard copies of your passport helps for a quicker check in.

d) Sort out your currency but check if it is better to exchange in the country you are visiting.

12. Back up any devices you are taking with you in case they get damaged, lost or stolen.

13. Leave your itinerary with someone close to you so they know where you will be at any given time.

14. Arrange your transfers to the airport or car parking options.

15. Finally pack the suitcases and feed the dog!

Packing Tips from Debbie

I is useless at packing, I have tried the ‘get everything out and then take half away’ idea but this rarely works.  I end up with not having enough stuff or far too much which is not a problem if you have 40kg.  I always buy too much on holiday as well so have had to pay excess baggage numerous times.  I can start with 15kg not buy anything and come back with 25 kg…how does that work!   I now work on the fact that I have Jon….hopefully his suitcase is not full plus he can carry two backpacks full of all the stupid stuff you insist on packing or buying….. so my tip for packing is get a Jon!

I always take hard cases preferably Samsonite although I was persuaded to get their cheaper version American Tourister which I agreed to as it is lighter to start with, more clothes me thinks, 2 years later the wheels broke off so I treated myself to a new Samsonsite to match my computer one!  Also always get a suitcase that can expand. 

Tip - Asia is renowned for having suitcases broken into so soft ones are a risk I am not willing to take.

My hand luggage used to be a large Indian handbag but now thanks to Tracey I have a large Tory Birch handbag and a Samsonite wheelie computer suitcase which I love as it is easy to get the computer out at the scanners and I can stick duty free into it, the only issue is trying to lift it into the overheard bins when full of booze! I also pack a fold up soft holdall just in case I have to take out stuff at check in on the way back or as an extra bag and a handheld weight scale so I can check to see if there is room to buy more stuff and also due to the rule about heavy suitcases and I can then distribute the weight.

My new favourite things are packing cubes/bags which my son bought me for my birthday.  It makes unpacking and packing so much easier, just take out the bag with T shirts in or swimwear in etc and you know exactly where everything is then just throw them back in the case.

You can now also use an App to help you pack, two are available, Packing Pro which is an assistant and Pack Point which tells you what to pack based on trip length, weather and activities...check out the Resources page for links.
